
Monday, December 24, 2012

15 Weeks Old.

I was right, Jax is teething. His has been chewing on his fists, drooling everywhere and he has been cranking and eating a lot more. I feel like he is growing up way to fast. Mike and I didn't teeth till we were 8 or 9 months so its weird that he is teething at 3 1/2 months.
Jax still hates tummy time but needs the practice since he is getting more wiggly.
Once he masters the arms, he will be crawling in no time.

I wish I would have known about the app Project 365. I started it at week 13 and I take a picture of him everyday. Its another cute way to see the ways he changes.

This is special to me. This is my old baby pillow that I wanted to restore for Jax but it was too worn out. Instead, I took the fringe from my old baby blanket and made him his own.
We went to a Christmas party at the old neighborhood I grew up in. It was so much fun seeing everyone again and introducing them to Jax. He was a hit :)

Jax in his bumbo chair for the first time.

Jax and I met my two other friends at the zoo this week. I have a blast doing mommy play dates. This was the first time I put him in his stroller without the carseat. He loved looking around and then fell asleep all on his own.

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