
Friday, December 28, 2012


Oh man, Im really slacking on keeping up-to-date on my blog. Sorry guys.
Christmas was amazing. We spend Christmas Eve with my family opening gifts and spent Christmas day with Mikes family.
I held Jax on my lap when we were opening his gifts and it was so cute seeing him get excited ( his version of being excited).
Man oh man did he get spoiled.

Christmas day my brother-in-law and his wife went into labor! How exciting is that?!?
She had baby Asher December 26 at 10:09 A.M. ( 7 lbs 8.5 oz and 20 In.)
We haven't met him yet but we can already tell he is a little cutie by the pictures.
Im so excited Jax has a little cousin his age. I never got to grow up with my cousins so this is really special to me.
Welcome to the family baby Asher!

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