
Monday, December 17, 2012

14 Weeks Old

My baby boy fits in his jeans now! You have no idea how much that excites me.
I still cant believe my handsome little boy is 14 weeks old... and I still cant believe I have a baby. 
Shouldn't I be use to the idea now? 
I love seeing how much he changes each week, like how he can hold onto a toy longer and bring it up to his mouth. He still needs practice grabbing it be himself. I usually have to open his hands and place the toy in it.

Im starting to wonder if he is teething. I have had a couple people ask because he has been drooling like crazy and trying to chew on his whole fist. It even looks like there is some white showing under his gums, and he has been super grumpy. But I'm not sure if the grumpy is him going through a growth spirt.

I have another funny story from this week. My lovely husband decided to change Jax and not put a diaper under him right away. Well, that wasn't a good idea. He started pooping, so we cleaned him up and then wipe off the changing pad cover. As I was holding him up ( because my hubby was changing the cover) he started pooping again and then peeing on Michael. Oh and did I mention this all happened right before we had to leave for a christmas party? At least we had a good laugh.  

 Jax got to meet Santa for the first time! It was so cute. He did great, not even one peep.

 He has such a cute pouty face!

 Jax LOVES staring at my hand. He will try to grab it and stick it in his mouth.

Dont forget to follow my facebook for more pictures and video and also my instagram : sierrama

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  1. i clicked on you from the link up, but no linkup maybe that's why no comments?!

  2. Aww he is so cute! Following from the "Almost Friday" Thursday Blog Hop.

