
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Me, A Blogger?

I started my blog because my husband and I had just moved to Colorado Springs and I got pregnant a month later. All of our family and friends were back in Cali and weren't able to see the progression of my pregnancy. I was given a chalkboard as a gift from my brother-in-law and his wife and thought it would be cute to do updates every two weeks. I got the weekly belly update idea from a good friend of mine. This was the perfect way to make all our loved ones feel like they were apart of my pregnancy. And now it's a great way for me to look back and remember it all since my memory is horrible. (I'm making it into a book). A little bit after, I got my first 2 followers (2 girls who were due around the same time I was.) I never realized how fun it would be to follow along with other pregnant women and their amazing journey of becoming a mom. ( funny thing is, these two girls had their babies the 8th & 9th of September and I have Jax on the 10th!) after that, I started getting more followers, and it's been so much fun connecting with everyone! Even though I don't personally know all of you, I want to thank you for allowing me to be apart of your journey! I feel like I have a great connection with a lot of you and it's so much fun watching your little ones grow and comparing notes for first time (and second time) mommas. And a BIG thanks to all your sweet comments on my post about having endometriosis. You have shown me so much kindness and it really warms my heart.

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  1. I am so happy you decided to blog, as am I happy I did the same. I would have never met such a wonderful mommy with a son who has the same name as my own. Twinsies! Anyways, you do a great job at blogging and everything else you do with what little free time you have as a mommy. I know how hard it is, even though I am still fairly new to the whole mama thing. Just wanted to show a little love and congrats on your new business :)

    1. I'm so happy you found my blog! I love that we both have little jaxons :)

  2. I'm so glad you continued blogging! I caught your blog at the end, but have been reading ever since! It's fun to read about other mommies& babies that are similar in age of yourself & child! I'm going to grab your button for my button swap!!

    1. I was just thinking about doing a button swap!
      Thanks girlie :)

    2. Done deal :) starting with you!!

  3. You are one of the first bloggers I connected with! I love your blog!!

  4. come check out my first shared button!!

  5. I'm the same way... I started my blog to keep friends and family up to date on my pregnancy and it's turned into such a fun thing. I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing what lil jax is up to. :)
