
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

23 Weeks.

I just cant get over how Jaxon gets so much better at everything he tries.
He can now sit up on his own for longer periods of time. He still does fall backwards if he gets excited, so I make sure to have a pillow behind him.
He is so good at standing up while only holding on to my fingers.
Jax still HATES tummy time...
I have had him on a schedule for the last couple of weeks which has helped him take longer naps and he only wake up once at night.
He LOVES grabbing our face which can suck when he has very sharp nails. I have some scratches on my cheek from him. 
And... he pulls hair. Not fun.
He now likes to watch us eat and will reach for what we have when we are holding him. Mike found out the hard way when he had Jaxon in the bjorn and was trying to eat frozen yogurt. Next thing he knew, Jaxon's hand was in the frozen yogurt. 
When he is going down for a nap or bed time, he has to have his stuffed animal blanket. He rubs it against his face, chews on it and then falls asleep.
My boy has such a cute personality. 
Im so in love.

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