Almost 2 months old! ( On Nov 10th)
My sweet baby Jax, you are getting so big! (Even though you are still so tiny)
I have no idea how you are still in newborn clothes and diapers.
The biggest thing this week was that you started cooing much more.
I love when you coo at me and start smiling right after.
It just melts my heart!
At 8 weeks old, you traveled from Colorado Springs to San Diego (In a 4 day stretch).
Thats the most you have ever been in the car.
You got to meet so many people on the way. Every single one just adored you.
I feel so blessed to have you in my life.
Last day of traveling.
(Havasu to San Diego)
At this point Mike & I were ready to be done drive and so was Jax.
He slept most of the time but got fussy once again when he woke up.
When we got to San Diego, he was greeted by his Auntie Nikki and Uncle Scottie.
That was the first time my brother got to meet him.
I dont have a picture of the together because my brother wanted to wait until he was over his cold.
Later that night he got to meet his Grandpa for the first time.
Great Grandpa
Jax meeting his Grandpa for the first time.
Silly face