Everyone I have talked to has said they cant believe I've had a C-Section. Im truly amazed at how fast I've healed. Every once in awhile it will hurt a little bit, but I have been out shopping and having a normal life. My mom and I had fun going to target to get clothes for me for my birthday. Since Im a new mom, I needed some cute new clothes to go along with.
Something funny happened this week. I had just fed Jax and handed him over to Michael to be burped and changed. As Michael was changing him, Jax decided he still had to go. He started to pee... and then started to poop! Michael didnt have a diaper down so it went all over his changing mat.
Poor Michael seems to always get peed on when he changes him, and I get peed on when his diaper leaks (which happens a lot).
Jaxon still hates having his diaper changed. I think he just hates being naked. We also found a binky that he likes but will only take every once in awhile. He loves to cuddle which means he doesnt like to sleep alone. Im hoping I will be able to get him to sleep in his own bed, but for now I love him sleeping with me.
We had Jaxon's 2 week check up yesterday. No more jaundice! He also weighs 7 lb 6 oz and measures at 19 1/4 in. Doctor said he is doing great.
When he was born he was 6 lb 7 oz, 17 in
Four days later he was 6 lb 3 oz, 17 1/2 in
Two weeks old he is 7 lb 6 oz, 19 1/4 in
Weight lost this week? -3, 10 lbs to go till I'm back to my pre pregnancy weight.
New Things About My Baby? Jax lost his umbilical cord yesterday so once the scab is gone I can give him his "first bath". He is staying awake for a lot longer and loves to look around. He also smiled at daddy a couple days ago. That toothless smile just melts my heart.
Hours Sleeping Through The Night? up to 4 Hours
Anything New With Mommy? I was able to get my belly button ring back in! I really didn't want to lose it since I have taken out most of my other piercings.
I was only able to get my engagement ring back on but my wedding band is too small. At least I'm wearing something.
Nana and Jax
Auntie Juli and Baby Jax
38 Weeks & 10 Days After Jaxon Arrived.
2 Days Old & 15 Days Old

I seriously can NOT believe your Jax is already 2 weeks old! Oh my, where has time went? I love all the pictures, he is a doll. And you are looking fabulous girlfriend! I am so anxious for our little man to get here... I want to see him better and see what he looks like. I can hardly stand it anymore - roughly 10 more weeks left!!! Eeeeek!
ReplyDeleteThank you and thank you :)
DeleteBefore you know it your little guy will be here.
Enjoy that belly and all the movement!
I miss it so much but I love having my little guy here.
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