
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Week 15

How far along? 15 weeks
Baby is the size of: Navel Orange
Total weight gain: -1 (Total 0)
Maternity clothes? Not very often. Just a hair tie to keep my pants or shorts together. 

Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: sleeping has been good but I wake up at 4am and sometimes can't fall back asleep.
Best moment this week: spending the weekend with my little family.
Movement: I'm not sure yet.
Showing? Yes
Food cravings: Sweets
Things that make me sick: the smell of a lot of food : eggs, chicken, MacNcheese. A lot of home cooked meals.
Gender: GIRL
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: still having horrible headaches. Went on the nausea medicine and threw up the two days right after.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Feelings: Tired 
Looking forward to: Feeling her move
Oils that are helping: still using peppermint, lavender and lemon like crazy. 


Jax has started wanting to take his diaper off. But of course, he doesn't want to go potty on the big boy potty.

Auntie Nikki got a new puppy and Jax was so excited to go see her. He ran right past Nikki and straight to the puppy.

Jax has been obsessed with toy story and wanted a Woodie shirt. Now he wears it ever day and wont wear anything else.

On Sunday, we had a little family adventure and found a new beach that we love! It reminded us of Hawaii.

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