
Friday, June 12, 2015

Week 10

How far along? 10 weeks
Baby is the size of: prune
Total weight gain: +.5 ( total -1lbs)
Maternity clothes? I brought out my old maternity pants. All my normal pants and leggings have been putting too much pressure on my stomach and it's been hurting.

Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Good- still waking up early and after about two hours of being up, I'm ready for a nap.
Best moment this week: Going to Erica's wedding.
Movement: possibly? I felt something different low in my abdomen and it wasn't gas.
Showing? Yep
Food cravings: sweets. I have been wanting ice cream and cake.
Gender: don't know yet.
Labor signs: nope
Symptoms: throwing up, exhausted, crampy, moody and hate food.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Feelings: very cranky because I never feel good. I'm also always tired.
Looking forward to: finding out the gender.
Oils that are helping: I have been using Lemon, Lavender and peppermint since the weather has been changing and making me feel icky.

I made Jaxon his very own fort out of Home Depot boxes. He just loved it!

Before we went to Erica and Josh's wedding, we stopped off at the Grand Tradition for our anniversary lunch.
All Jax wanted to do was dance and the look on his face when he was dancing with Avery was priceless! He was having so much fun and loving it!

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