
Monday, February 24, 2014

Week 77

Week 77 ( Feb 24-March 3)
 Rough start to the week. I think Jax might have some more teeth coming through because he is up multiple times during the night and back in bed with us. He likes to start his day around 5 in the morning. He has also been super grumpy and a little menus. I caught his spitting his milk out all over the floor and playing in it.

I got him his first piggy bank because I knew he would love putting coins in it. He kept asking for more and was so proud every time he would drop one in.
This child is a full on daredevil. He likes to stand on us and fall backwards onto the bed. He also likes to climb on anything he can. He figured out how to climb up on the barstool/chair that is really high for him. 

Knew favorite food is any type of cracker. He was actually saying cracker and then it somehow turned into just the K sound. He would wake up in the morning as cry and say "Kkkkkkk..... kkkkk".

He now will call for lacy and then makes kissy noises to get her to come.
He loves to doodle whether its with crayons or chalk or even one of those magnet boards.
Jax got a bad rash, again. I'm thinking it's from the smoothies since it has all types of fruits and veggies in it. I was so excited to give it to him since I knew he was getting his daily fruit and veggies. But know I'm thinking it's a horrible idea.

He now likes to copy what's on tv. I will ketch him dancing like the characters on Yo Gabba Gabba.

Jaxon LOVES watching Top Gear with his dad. Then again, he loves doing anything with his dad.

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