
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Week 60 & 61

Jaxon loves feeding himself. He will sit there watching Yo Gabba Gabba and shove spoonfuls of food in his mouth.
I caught him walking around the room, in circles, and walking backwards while trying to balance socks on his back. Where do kids come up with this stuff? I sure don't do it.
 Well we all are sick again. As soon as Jax gets sick, we get it shortly after. Jaxon has been so grumpy which is either from his cold or maybe there are more teeth coming through.
Due to this wonderful cold he has, he has been waking up at 4-5am.

This is Jaxon's second Halloween. I was so excited to take him out trick or treating. We went up to our friends house to walk around their neighborhood. I pushed Jaxon in his stroller up to each door and put his pumpkin in his lap every time we said trick or treat. He started getting use to it and would stair into the pumpkin every time someone dropped candy in it.

He has now started hating being in the car. He will scream and start crying. "The fox" song comes in handy for those moments. Man he loves that song.

We went out to dinner for my Uncles birthday and Jaxon got to try my soup. This kid LOVES soup. He ate it like a pro!

I'm wondering if more teeth are coming in because he has been so whiny and so grumpy lately. It can be very exhausting at times.

"Angry eyes"
Now Jaxon knows how to do the scared face and angry eyes. It's pretty cute to watch him mimic us.

Week 61
This week I haven't gotten any sleep at all. Maybe because he is sick or teething? I feel like it's worse then when he was a newborn. He will wake up screaming and won't go back to bed. 

Jaxon loves dancing to "the fox" song. He gets so excited when it comes on. He can be anywhere and he will start dancing. I was driving one day and didn't even realize the song came on until I heard him giggling in the back. He was watching himself dance in his little mirror. 

He is now clapping his hands. He will actually flatten his hands and clap them together where before it was fists.

Jax knows how to point to his nose. We will ask where jaxons nose is and he will touch his nose/lips. 

Since he is still sick, he has been even grumpier then normal. He gets super grumpy if he doesn't get his way and throws the biggest tantrums. I'm not looking forward to terrible 2s.

It's now a fun game to sit on my while I'm laying down. He will even bounce to get me to make a noise.
Jax had a weight check up on Monday since he was below the charts the last time we were in. His doctor told us to feed him more fatty foods. We have been giving him cottage cheese, avocado, and smoked Gouda cheese. He is now up to 19lbs 3oz and is in the 10 percentile! Woohoo! His doctor was very happy about that. 
We also got cream from his doctor because of the rash he got from the target brand diapers. He also has a weird spot on the back of his head by his stock bite so she told us to put cream on that.

He got a kick out of watching Lacy chase the laser on our flashlight. She would run around the room and Jaxon would just laugh at her. When she would stop, he would walk over to her and push her back trying to get her to run again.

I made Mac&Cheese the other day for Jax and after he ate some, he would spit it out. He wanted the flavor but not the texture.

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