
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

43 Weeks.

This week has had so many firsts for Jaxon. It's amazing how a bunch of things can happen in just one week.

Jaxon loves giving kisses now. Oh how it just melts my heart. It makes my day when he wants to give Michael kisses and then turn around and give me kisses. Such a sweet little boy.

Jaxon got his first tooth!! This time it's real! Took him almost 10 months when it felt like he should have gotten it 5 months ago.

He went in for his 9 month apointment... At the end of his 9 months.
He weighs 16lbs 12oz and is 26 3/4in long. The doctor said he is healthy and advanced (since he can walk). She would like to see him put on more weight but he eats so well, so I'm thinking he will always be a tiny baby. His dad was the same way. He still has a problem with chunky food. He gags and throws up everytime he eats it. We are stuck with baby food.

Jaxon says mama! Can I just say how wonderful it feels to hear him say that. Even though I know it's just a sound to him, I just love it. 

He started waving. It's rare when we can get him to do it but we have said "Jaxon wave" while we waved to him, and he did it back a couple different times.

He loves his hand tickled. When he's drinking his bottle he will rub his hand over my fingures very lightly.

Jaxon saw his first fireworks for 4th of July and he loved it!! He did get a little overwhelmed at the end of the grand finale but it stopped right after and then he was fine. The fireworks were right above us. It was so beautiful!
Mr. Jaxon got his first boo boo... And first of many. He likes to play with us in bed in the morning and he will crawl and try to play with the blinds. He missed trying to grab them and smacked his head on the window sill. It scared me so bad because I was afraid he hit his eye.
This kid is already such a daredevil that I'm sure I'll have a heart attack as he gets older.

Mama got a new car!!! I offially have the hamster car. But boy do I love it!

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