
Friday, May 17, 2013

{Review} Crafty Stay-At-Home Mamas.

Now that I have a little at home business, I know how important it is to get your name out there. I also love buying home made things ( I love etsy!). So I thought I would do a shout out to some amazing crafty mamas.

If you haven't checked out my little shop its called Nothing But Glisten. Im horrible at updating my blog but I post pictures of everything I custom make for people on my Instagram and Facebook page.
Im now starting to post thing on my etsy account too.

Meet Mandy
She has a sweet little girl who was born 10.25.12 
and started this business to be able to stay at home with her. 
This girl rocks!
She seriously makes the cutest headband for babies, toddlers and adults!
She also made carseat strap restraints for me that I wish I had from the beginning! 
Best gift you can give to someone who just had a baby.
She also have a Facebook & Instagram account. Follow her!

Meet Megan! 
She started her business awhile ago but just recently started it back up again to also stay at home with her little man (born 12.26.12).
She is so amazingly crafty! She took the colors of my little business and designed an apron to match!
She creates all her aprons based off 1950s dresses.
Follow her Facebook & Instagram account.

I had her make the one on the left for my mom and the one on the right is mine.

Im super excited to also announce that these lovely ladies will be doing a giveaway with me in the near future! If you would like to get in on that giveaway follow us all!! Ill be posting when it starts on my instagram and facebook account.

Any other crafty moms out there that want to get their business name out there by me doing a review or joining in on a giveaway, please email me!
I love helping stay-at-home moms grow their business!

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