
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

31 & 32 Weeks.

Jax can now pull himself up in his crib. He likes to walk himself over to the blinds and play with them.
I have been putting him in his crib with toys and let him watch Yo Gabba Gabba while I get my stuff done.
 He hasn't been sleeping good at all anymore. He wakes up 2-3 times a night, and im exhausted from it.
Each week he gets closer to crawling. He will go from a sitting position to his knees but doesn't stay on them for long.
He LOVES other kids. He has been playing with my friends baby and toddler and just gets a kick out of it. Its been a blast doing mommy play dates.
Jaxon finally knows how to roll from his back to his front! He can also go from his tummy to sitting up.
But that also makes nap time really hard.

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  1. I'm loving reading up on your weekly posts! I was going to do something similar with mine because I have heard that things change so much and so quickly that you forget! I want to remember when, exactly, he smiles for the first time or...whatever else babies do. I really don't know what I'm getting into. I love all the pictures!

    1. It really is worth it. I love looking back on my pregnancy too. I'm planning on making it a book so It can be the baby book that no one ever fills out haha
