
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

18 Weeks.

This week has been rough. My husband was really sick with what we think was the flu.
He was quarantined to a different room for 2 nights so he wouldn't get the baby or I sick.
Well... that didn't help. Jax is now sick again but has been running a temp of 100.
He is very congested and Im constantly sprays saline spray in his nose.
Poor little guy.

We celebrated my dads birthday this week.

Mike and I have found that our little Jaxon is going to be a water baby.
He loves showers and baths!
If we put his head under the water in the shower, he doesn't get upset, he just smiles.
I cant wait to see how he does in a pool. It could be very different since it will be cold water instead of warm.

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  1. We've been trying so hard to avoid the flu over here as well!! I hope both your guys feel better soon!!

    1. Our doctor told us Jax just has a common cold. That was the best news hahah.
      Thank you :)

  2. so sorry about the sickness!! but your family is seriously adorable. new follower!!!

    We Are The Tabbs
