
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Moving Day #1! And A Little Surprise

Day 1!
(Colorado Springs- Albuquerque) 

Today is the 1st day we move from Colorado Springs back to San Diego. 
We are making it a 4 day trip so we can see family.
I was so happy I got to spend time with my bestie before we left.
We were suppose to leave and 10am, but she started labor and I wanted to be there as long as I could.
Unfortunately we did have to leave 4 hours before she had the baby.

Joni and Jax

Juli and I, with each others kids.

Best Friends for 16 years!

Bye Colorado Springs!

Yes, this IS how we had to change him. He was not happy one bit.


Its a girl!

Ember Skye B.
7lb 6oz, 20 3/4 in

As sad as it was that I didn't get to be there, i got to expierence it through these emotion pictures.Im so proud of my best friend!
She did such an amazing job, and once again had a perfect labor.

 What a beautiful mamma!
2 pushes.... and then out comes the baby!
Lucky, lucky girl.

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