
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Baby Jax is 1 Week Old

My sweet little boy is one week old.
I never realized how fast the days go by when you have a baby.
I love watching him smile in his sleep, cuddle in my arms, and make cute little noises while he eats.
I still cant believe he is finally here.

Weight lost this week?  Before I had Jaxon I had gained 32 lbs. I lost 19 lbs in one week and have 13lbs to go!
New Things About My Baby? This week was my first week with him. He hates having his diaper changed and isnt a fan of being naked but he loves to snuggle. He wont sleep in his own bed but sleeps on my chest. 
Hours Sleeping Through The Night? 2-3 Hours

Two down, one to go!

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