
Saturday, June 9, 2012

25 Weeks

I feel like he is huge already and I still have 15 more weeks 
(unless he comes a couple weeks early, which  I won't mind) 
He has been letting me know when I have to pee. Ill get a hard kick to the bladder
and then I know I need to go.
Im still so in love with his little wiggles.

How far along? 25 Weeks
Total weight gain: +4 ( Total 15)
Maternity clothes? Yes...some shifts, maternity pants and belly band.
Stretch marks? not yet
Sleep: Yes.
Best moment this week: Seeing that my little guy is getting bigger :)

Miss Anything? Food I'm not allowed to eat.
Movement:Yes, big time.

Food cravings: Peach ice tea from Olive Garden. Fruit loops.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Dog poop and brushing my teeth.

Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: Nope. 
Symptoms: My lower back is killing me and the stretching hurts.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy 
Looking forward to: The second baby shower.

This Weeks: (
He's enjoying his new sense of equilibrium -- he now knows which way is up and which is down.
He's growing more fat and more hair too!

Baby of the week!

Charlotte Grace Hartley 

My best friend had this BEAUTIFUL little girl on my one year anniversary.
We were all so excited to find out it was a little girl since they didn't want to know till they had her.
She is already betrothed to Jaxon ;)

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