
Monday, May 23, 2016

21 & 22 weeks

Screams at me when she is tired and wants to go to sleep.
She is now out of the swing and in a bassinet.

Got to see her Auntie Juli again and meet the rest of the family. 

22 weeks

Miss grabby hands. She grabbed a sandwich off my plate and it fell onto the ground.
Blows bubbles and makes adorable sounds. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

19 & 20 weeks- Jaxon's potty trained!


Some of the differences between Jax and Hensley:

•Jax took medicine like a champ, Hensley hates it and will gag and throw up.
•Hensley has a far worse gag reflex then Jax did. He only throw up toddler snacks before he could eat solid foods (Yogurt bites). Hensley gags on her fingers, teething toys, meds, snot from being sick, and she has even gaged on my nipple. 
• Jax didn't like other people holding him but Hensley doesn't have that issue.
•Jax was up all night screaming from gas and other tummy issues. Hensley has no problem passing gas but does have an issue with milk, so now I don't eat anything with milk in it.
• Jax hates his first bath- Hensley loved hers.
• Jax was very small - Hensley is growing fast. Jax was either below the charts or under the 10 percentile mark- Hensley is close to the middle.

On Sunday, we took the kids to the LA Zoo to see the dinosaurs. Jax had a great time looking at them but he didn't want to get too close. Mike held him up to see one of the dinosaurs and the look on his face was priceless!

We decided that it was about time to potty train. Jax was very excited and talked about his underwear a lot so I thought I'd put it on him and see what happens. I put a potty out in the living room and told him to pull down his inderwear and try to pee. Sure enough, he did. And then, about 5 minutes after, he said he had to go again. He pulled down his underwear, peed... And then poop! He was so proud of himself and knew he was going to get the MaxD monster truck we promised him. I've never seen him so happy. After that, he didn't have any accidents and he didn't even want to wear his diapers for a nap. 
We did put on a diaper for bedtime and he won't up dry, so if he keeps that up, we won't make him wear any. I'm so incredibly proud of him. 

20 weeks

He is completely potty trained. He will run to the potty when he has to poo. I'm so incredibly proud of thin. He doesn't even wear diapers to bed!