
Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas fun! And a little surprise!

Christmas was amazing. Jax is definitely at the perfect age where he gets excited about presents and Santa. He did a great job passing out presents at my parents house Christmas Eve. As for Christmas, we spent the day with Mike's family and it was very nice and relaxing... which I needed, being 38 weeks pregnant. It was adorable watching Jax and his cousin, Asher, play together. At one point, Jax took his new remote control monster truck outside and drove it around while Asher chased it. Those two are going to be the best of friends growing up.  I had some contractions but nothing that made me feel like Hensley was going to arrive. 
Saturday we drove down to the train station ( an hour away) where we took the coaster to Old Town (another hour) for Asher's birthday. We spent the day walking around and didn't head back to the train till 7:15. I was having contractions that were 20 min apart once I got on the train. The train took and hour and then we had another hour drive till we were home. Once we got home and my contractions started getting closer so I called my mom up just in case. Smart decision on my part because my water broke at 12:30am Dec 27 and we ended up having Hensley at 3:29am. I guess walking around all day and eating Mexican food helped get this little girl out.  

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Week 38

How far along? 38 weeks
Baby is the size of: Leek or Pumpkin
Total weight gain: +1lbs  (Total +20.5lbs)
Maternity clothes? Yes and I'm so ready to be back in normal clothing.

Stretch marks? Yes, I have a few on the lower part of my stomach. 
Sleep: I toss and turn a lot and the acid kills me.
Best moment this week? My mom took Jax over the weekend and Mike and I were able to get a lot of stuff done at the house. We set up the kids new dresser and then got a new couch on Monday.
Movement: She doesn't have much room to move around anymore but when she stretches, it looks like an alien in my belly.
Showing? Yes and huge!
Food cravings: Still loving sweets. Don't really have an appetite when it comes to meals but I do love my Jersey Mikes sandwiches.
Things that make me sick: horrible acid after eating but that's about it.
Gender: GIRL
Labor signs: I would think so. Contractions are happening more and they are painful but no consistency. I thought I was leaking amniotic fluid so we went to the hospital just to find out it was a false alarm.
Symptoms: Really bad heart burn after I eat and randomly throughout the day. Contractions.
Swelling in joints after I'm sleeping. 
My lower back is killing me and when I stand for to long, the top muscle in my stomach feels like it's ripping and I get very out of breath. 
Belly Button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? Off but I have a beautiful replacement.
Feelings: Emotional, easily stressed and just over being pregnant.
Looking forward to: Christmas!
Oils that are helping: Thieves, Lavender, lemon, peppermint and Myrtle. I'm so thankful for these oils. They have helped me like crazy.


Monday, December 14, 2015

Week 37

How far along? 37 weeks
Baby is the size of: Bunch of Swiss Chard or Winter Melon.
Total weight gain: +2.5 lbs  (Total +22lbs)
Maternity clothes? Yes, and the shirts I was able to fit into are now too small.

Stretch marks? I'm starting to get two more. I thought I was going to be able to make it without getting a lot but it looks like that isn't going to happen.
Sleep: Some nights I'll sleep really good even though I have to get up and pee but other nights I toss and turn because I can't get comfy.
Best moment this week: Taking Jax down to Tememcula to see all the Christmas lights with his cousin.
Movement: She isn't moving as crazy as she was since it's getting snug in there but she is still pushing her feet up and her head down into my cervix.
Showing? Yes and huge!
Food cravings: Still loving sweets. Don't really have an appetite when it comes to meals but I do love my Jersey Mikes sandwiches.
Things that make me sick: horrible acid after eating but that's about it.
Gender: GIRL
Labor signs: Braxton Hicks which happen throughout the day (everyday now) but no consistency with them. They hurt too. My stomach get tight and I get horrible cramping where I think my cervix is. I was walking the mall with Jax when this happened and I had to sit down because it felt like she was trying to crawl out!
Symptoms: Really bad heart burn after I eat and randomly throughout the day. Braxton hicks. 
Harder to breathe.
Swelling in my hands and feet. 
My lower back is killing me and when I stand for to long, the top muscle in my stomach feels like it's ripping and I get very out of breath. 
I also got sick this week so that's not helping. I've been sneezing and coughing and I can't breathe through my nose.
Belly Button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? Off but I have a beautiful replacement.
Feelings: Emotional and easily stressed.
Looking forward to: Christmas! And hoping she comes before.
Oils that are helping: Thieves, Lavender, lemon, peppermint and Myrtle. I'm so thankful for these oils. They have helped me like crazy.

               36 weeks vs. 37 weeks


Mike bought candy at the store and when Jax saw it he asked for it, so of course Mike told him its daddy's medicine... so what does jax do? He says, " Daddy, I don't feel good. I need medicine".

Jax was playing one of his games on his iPad and there was a cat song, so he laid down next to Wolfy so he could show him all the cats.

Jaxon loves putting on Mom and Dad's shoes and walk around the house.

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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Week 36

How far along? 36 weeks
Baby is the size of: Romaine Lettuce
Total weight gain: +1.5lbs  (Total +19.5lbs)
Maternity clothes? Yes, shorts and leggings and I have a couple shirts but I may need more shirts now.

Stretch marks? Still have one on my belly so far.
Sleep: Its getting harder to sleep because my stomach just always feels uncomfortable and my hips hurt. I'm always so thirsty before bed so I end up having to pee a lot. It hurts to get out of bed because I'm so stiff and my hips hurt. Sometimes the acid makes it hard to fall asleep.
Best moment this week: Knowing I'm so close.
Movement: yes, she is a wiggle worm. She also like to push hard which does not feel good. She will stretch and push on both sides of my stomach. She also likes to push hard down there which means sharp pains and sometimes makes me feel like I'm going to pee myself.
Showing? Yes
Food cravings: sweets sweets and more sweets. I love sparkling apple cider and frozen yogurt.

Things that make me sick: horrible acid after eating but that's about it.
Gender: GIRL
Labor signs: Braxton Hicks
Symptoms: Really bad heart burn after I eat and randomly throughout the day. Cramps. 
Harder to breathe.
Swelling in my hands and feet. 
My lower back is killing me and when I stand for to long, the top muscle in my stomach feels like it's ripping and I get very out of breath. 

Belly Button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? Off but I have a beautiful replacement.
Feelings: Emotional and easily stressed.
Looking forward to: Christmas!
Oils that are helping: Thieves, Lavender, lemon and peppermint.


Oh no... It's started. Jax woke up and came into our room and when we told him he needed to go back to bed, he said he couldn't because there's a monster in his room.󾰑

He requested a sandwich for dinner. He even told us we were driving the wrong way to get it... Which we were. I'm not sure how he knew that.

Jaxon started talking about something while we are driving in the car and I go to reply back to him and he stops me by saying, " No, I talk to myself". 󾰟

I heard Jaxon in the other room yell, "No! Don't eat baby Jesus!" I guess he was playing with his kids nativity scene and Wolfy our kitten wanted to play too.

Jax got to see Santa and he wasn't scared at all. He was a little shy at first and we had to coax him in but once he sat on Santa's lap, he was very talkative. He instantly told him that he wanted the Max D monster truck and then Santa asked him about his baby sister. It was so cute watching him talk to Santa.

We all went over to my friend Liv's house to decorate gingerbread houses. We had the Dads put the houses together and I put the frosting on to make it easier for Jax to pick his candy and place it where he wanted it to go. He was so focused on where he wanted everything to be placed.