
Monday, March 31, 2014

Week 82

Week 82 (March 31-April 7)

This week , Jax learned the cat sound, pig sound (weeee weee weeee), and attempted the monkey sound.

He told me he pooped!!!! He looked at me and pointed at his diaper, twice in one day. Proud moment.

Every night, Jax likes to ruff-house with dad. He is a total spaz; kicking screaming, jumping around, it's his favorite thing to do.

Jax has been in size 4 diapers since he turned 18 months. He wears 18m jammies and 12m for everything else.

Sometimes Jaxon is hard to consol when he's crying. He will stand/sit there, either with his hands covering his face or his eyes will be closed and he will just cry. He will push almost anything away.

Jax got shots and was extremely upset. I think the lady wasn't very good at it. We went and picked out a toy truck after. I felt so bad for the poor kid.

Now Jax will hit out of anger. It's so frustrating for me and I constantly have to remind myself that he doesn't know better and I just need to be calm and teach him not to. It's really hard sometimes and all I want to do is walk out of the room.

Jax loves to sit on the bottom of the shower and just let the warm water hit him on the back.
Mike got a new job offer within the same company but a bigger step in the right direction. We are now moving an hour and a half north to Huntington Beach! We went apartment shopping and we are moving in this Saturday (April 12). I'm not sure how we are going to pack in a week. We are stocked because our new place in a half a mile away from the beach!
GOD IS SO GOOD! ( if you know our story you will understand why)

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Week 80

Week 80 (March 17-24)
Jaxon has been obsessed with wearing his hats and also his backpack. He will wear them everywhere he goes. He would actually cry if he saw the hat and we didn't give it to him right away.

He has also learned the dogs sound and does the horse, cow and dinosaurs sound.

He loves drinking out of our cups. Its so cute to watch him try and be a big boy.

When he gets excited with other people around, he gets shy but in a funny way. He will cover his mouth when he laughs or cover his face and then look to see if anyone is watching.

We had a wonderful tea party at my MOPS group this week. I'm so happy I've started going to this. It's been such an amazing experience for me and I've met so many wonderful ladies.

I've finally started my own family cook book and I didn't realize it went great with my apron I had made for me. I customized my binder at Zazzle and got all my pages from an amazing etsy store called Clean Life and Home.

I cut Jaxon's hair, and it wasn't just a trim this time. I'm pretty proud of how it turned out for having a wiggle worm as a son.
I have to bring a doodle pad into the bathroom just so I can get ready in the morning. If I don't, Jaxon will cry and pull at my pants. I love that he will lay on his stomach and color.
Jax loves to act shy but enjoys the attention. He was doing this to our friend when we went to the zoo on Saturday.
Jax was so nice and would feed Dexton his cracker. I sure how the sharing continues.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Week 81

Week 81 ( March 24-31)

I guess I'm going to have to start getting use to Jax banging himself up. Oh little boys :-/
Jax decided to run around the back of our car while he was out watching Dad drive his truck and he tripped on the gravel. Since my son doesn't know how to fall properly, he fell straight on his face.
The following day, he ran with his sippy cup and fell and ended up biting his lip pretty good.

We had a nice day of rain, so of course I got the rain boots and jacket out so we could jump in puddles! Jax had so much fun and would run back and forth after Lacy. His Jacket is a 2t so it looked huge on him.

Jax can now say "Ready, set, Go!" You can understand "set" and "go" pretty well, but he still can't say "ready". He will say " seeee seeeeet doooooo!!!!" And then run off.

I caught Jaxon rubbing his food in his hair. Now he loves to do it and will massage it in. 

Jax tried to copy his dad while he was working out. We got him to attempt push-ups and squats.

I got to have a girls night and day with my long time friends. I was so nice to be able to get out without babies. We went wine tasting and it was amazing.

On Sunday, we went to disneyland with our friends from church. It was so nice to go with another couple that has a baby! We had a blast with both boys. Jax shared cheese dip with Dexton, straight off his fingure. It was pretty cute. 
Jax also got his bottom right molar that day so now he has all four.